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Aurum Journal of Health Sciences Author Decleration Form

Aurum Journal of Health Sciences Copyright Release Form


Guide for Authors

The manuscripts submitted to Aurum Journal of Health Sciences are subjected to an editorial review which includes double blind peer reviewing of the manuscript by the experts on the field. Authors should provide a declaration stating that their manuscript has not been published or being considered for publication in any other journal (Please find the Authors Declaration Form in the webpage of the journal. Authors declaration form has to be filled, signed and a scanned version of the filled form should be sent with the manuscript submission). All the submitted manuscripts should adhere the most recent version of the European Community guidelines and Declaration of Helsinki, for humans. The manuscripts that describe experiments which involve research on humans and animals must have an approval of an institutional or local ethics committee. The submitted manuscripts to the Aurum Journal of Health Sciences are screened for authenticity by the Publisher’s Office using an authenticity check program for determination of plagiarism and non-ethical situations. Authors could submit their manuscript electronically to the a.jhealthsci@altinbas.edu.tr. Authors who are submitting their work to the Aurum Journal of Health Sciences has to certify that all of the authors of the manuscript accept and confirm the submitted work to the journal.


Types of articles

The Aurum Journal of Health Sciences publishes research articles, short reports, reviews, case studies on all aspects of health sciences both in electronic and printed versions. Authors are encouraged to provide proofs of their research results and/or ethical committee approvals as a supporting material which will be published electronically separately with the article.

  1. Research articles: The manuscripts that are describing findings of an original research in regard to all aspects of health sciences will be published as a “Research article”. The research articles should be consisting of the following parts: 1. Title; 2. Authors and affiliations; 3. Abstract; 4. Keywords; 5. Introduction; 6. Materials and Methods; 7. Results 8. Discussion; 9. Conclusion; 10. Acknowledgement; 11. Conflict of Interests; 12. References. Manuscripts submitted as a “Research article” do not have a wording limit. However, manuscripts that are submitted as “Research article” should be more than 5000 words, excluding the tables, figures and references.
  2. Short Reports: The manuscripts that are describing preliminary findings obtained from an original research or/and results of pre-study performed on a topic in regard to all aspects of health sciences will be published as a “Short report”. The short report articles should be consisting of the following parts: 1. Title; 2. Authors and affiliations; 3. Abstract; 4. Keywords; 5. Introduction; 6. Materials and Methods; 7. Results; 8. Discussion; 9. Acknowledgement; 10. Conflict of Interests; 11. References. Manuscripts submitted as a “Short report” should not exceed 5000 words excluding the tables, figures and references.
  3. Reviews: The manuscripts that are describing critical evaluation of the current situation in the literature and providing future prospects according to current knowledge on a topic in regard to all aspects of health sciences will be published as a “Review”. The reviews should be consisting of the following parts: 1. Title; 2. Authors and affiliations; 3. Abstract; 4. Keywords; 5. Contents; 6. Introduction; 7. Sub-Topics Provided in Contents; 8. Conclusion; 9. Acknowledgement; 10. Conflict of Interests; 11. References. Manuscripts submitted as a “Review” should not exceed 10,000 words excluding the tables, figures and references.
  4. Case studies: The manuscripts that are describing a critical evaluation of an observed clinical cases in dentistry, medicine and clinical pharmacy will be published as a “case study”. The case studies should be consisting of the following parts: 1. Title; 2. Authors and affiliations; 3. Abstract; 4. Keywords; 5. Introduction; 6. Description of the Case; 7. Discussion; 8. Acknowledgement; 9. Conflict of Interests; 10. References. Manuscripts submitted as a “Case report” should not exceed 5000 words excluding the tables, figures and references. A written consent of the patient may be required if the case report contains images taken from the patients. All the case reports must contain ethical committee approvals.

Preparation of manuscript and general rules

The manuscripts should be written double spaced in Arial font type and 12 pts font size. Each page should be numbered, and consecutive line numbers should be provided. Title page, authors list and affiliations should be prepared as a separate file. Tables and Figures should also be prepared as a separate file.


Title Page: The title page should contain the full title of the work which should not exceed 200 characters. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title. Main title of the manuscript should be followed by the “short title” which should not be longer than 70 characters. Short title should be followed by the list of author names. Author names should be given as name and surname followed by superscript Arabic numbers indicating the affiliations. One author should be designated as the corresponding author and should be indicated in the authors list with the superscript asterix symbol after the affiliation indicator. Author list should be followed by the list of affiliations which indicate the department, institution, postal code, city, country and e-mail(s) of the author(s). Finally, corresponding author full mailing address, telephone, fax and e-mail should be provided. Acknowledgement and Conflict of Interests parts should be given in the title page.


Main text: Main text should be divided into sections and sub-sections using Arabic numerals, starting from the introduction part. Sections should be indicated with bold and non-italic characters. Sub-sections should be indicated with bold and italic characters (as given in example).

Section Example: 1. Introduction


Subsection Example: 2.1. GC-MS Analysis


First page of the main text should contain the title followed by a 300-word abstract. Abstract should not contain citations. Abbreviations could be used in the abstract however; full explanation of the abbreviations should be given at the first time that they have appeared in the abstract. Abstract should briefly summarize the study. Abstract should contain the following information: 1. Purpose/Aim of the study; 2. Materials and methodology used in the study; 3. Key results obtained in the study; 4. Conclusion remarks. Abstract part should be followed by 6 keywords that describe the work. Keywords should be separated from one another with a semicolon.


Depending on the type of article following parts should be given in the main text. Introduction part in the manuscript should contain a brief explanation of previous studies, aim of the current study and reasoning of the study. Materials and Method part should be given in full detail allowing replication of the performed experiments/clinical studies/technical studies by other scientists. In materials and methods section all the instruments, chemicals used in the study should be explained by their brand and model. Results, should be described without any comments. Discussion and conclusion parts should not contain any speculations. A clear and concise discussion and conclusion remarks should be given.



Authors should indicate any acknowledgement related to the study in this part.


Conflict of Interests

Authors should clearly indicate any kind of conflict of interests for the study in this part. If the authors do not have any conflict of interests, they should indicate “Authors declare no conflict of interests”.


Tables & Figures

The authors should indicate the position of Tables and Figures in the text by indicating the Title of the table (as given in the example). All figures should be provided as a tiff file with at least 300 dpi resolution. The images given as figures should be authentic, no manipulations should be done. Color figures are welcome in the journal and does not require a publication fee.


Example:  Figure 1. 1H-NMR spectrum of Ulubelenolide.

The figures and tables should be given as a separate file. Each table and figure given should contain a title and if required footnotes should be given. Each figure and table given should be self-explanatory.


Reference Format

Citation of references in the text

Authors must check their manuscript that every reference cited in their text should also be in the given reference list and every reference listed should be in cited in the text. Citations of unpublished results and personal communications should be avoided. Citations of literatures that were accepted by a journal and which have doi number, issue and page numbers could be cited in the text however, authors should indicate that this work is “in press”. The citations of the web pages should be avoided. The citations in the text should adhere to the following style.

Cited reference which have a single author: (author’s last name, year of publication)

Example: (Biyikoglu, 2017)

Cited reference which have two authors: (last name of the first author and second author, year of publication)

Example: (Biyikoglu and Polatoglu, 2017)

Cited reference which have three authors or more: (last name of the first author et al., year of publication)

Example: (Polatoglu et al., 2017)

Cited references which have the same first author(s) that were published in the same year: (last name of the author, year of publication and uncapitalized letters for separation)

Example: (Biyikoglu, 2017a; Biyikoglu 2017b)

Cited references as lists: The references that are going to be given as a list in a single parentheses should be first arranged alphabetically than chronologically.

Example: (Biyikoglu 2017a; Biyikoglu 2017b; Polatoglu et al., 2013)

Cited references given in text:  If author names are going to be mentioned in the text for the citation than it should be given as: “….Polatoglu et al. (2013)……”

Examples: “……..Polatoglu et al. (2013) have indicated….

“………Biyikoglu (2017) demonstrated that……”


Reference formatting

The reference formatting should be given according to the following style (APA). DOI numbers should be given after the reference if available.


Reference style

Reference to a journal publication:

Polatoglu, K., Demirci, F., Demirci, B., Gören, N., Baser, K. H. C. (2010). Antibacterial activity and the variation of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip. essential oils from Turkey. Journal of oleo science, 59(4), 177-184. https://doi.org/10.5650/jos.59.177

Reference to a book:

Preedy, V. R. (Ed.). (2015). Essential oils in food preservation, flavor and safety. 1st Ed., Academic Press, Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

Polatoğlu, K., Karakoç, Ö. C. (2015). Biologically Active Essential Oils against Stored Product Pests. 1st Ed., In Preedy, V.R. (Eds.), Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety. Academic Press., Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp. 39-59.

Reference to a website:

National Cancer Institute, A success storyTaxol® (NSC 125973) https://dtp.cancer.gov/timeline/flash/success_stories/s2_taxol.htm (accessed 14 December 2017)


Reference to a Thesis:

Knight, K.A. (2011). Media epidemics: Viral structures in literature and new media (Doctoral dissertation).



Full explanation of the abbreviations should be given at the first time that they have appeared in the text. Title should not contain any abbreviations. After the explanation of the abbreviations are given in the text authors could use abbreviations throughout the text.


Example: “…..Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butrylcholinesterase (BChE) enzymes were …….”


Chemical and Biological Nomenclature

The names of the biological organisms should be given in full of the author name at the first time they appear in the text. The genus and species names should always be written in italics. Authors could use the short name of the organism after the full name was indicated. Local names of the organisms could be mentioned however, throughout the manuscript these organisms should be referred to with their binominal names.

Chemical compounds should be preferably named according to the IUPAC nomenclature.


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